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  3. PPE concerns tackled by free webinar

A free webinar is hoping to help give firms and business owners practical advice and guidance on personal protective equipment (PPE) later this month. Also offering hints and tips to ensure companies are selecting the right PPE for their needs, such initiatives are key to safe workplaces.

As well as offering essential advice and tips, it is also hoped that the session will attract representatives from the health and safety industry.

With the session also discussing how compliance can be met, and non-compliance issues identified, first-hand experience from officers in the industry will be invaluable.

Selecting the right equipment for workers to wear and use can be a big challenge for some companies. This is particularly the case for small and start-up firms, but also for those larger companies introducing new methods, services and developments.

Ensuring the equipment meets legal requirements is important though, to reduce the risk of non-compliance and ensure staff can work in safety and confidence.

To help make things easier, understanding how regulations are shaped and what non-compliance can really mean is a sensible step.

For employees too, education is key. It is essential, for example, that workers understand the importance of wearing protective clothing correctly.

The webinar will also look at this perennial issue. Exploring warning signs to look out for, it will help firms provide staff with the most appropriate and comfortable safety clothing and equipment.

An interactive session, the webinar takes place on Wednesday October 16 from midday.

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