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  3. Seaforth demolition investigated for breach of health and safety

The residents of around 70 properties were banned from their homes recently, due to a failed operation to demolish two towers in Seaforth, Merseyside.

An investigation was launched by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), following the failed demolition process. Prior to the demolition work commencing, an exclusion zone was created in Claremont Road, meant to be in place for just a few hours while J Bryan (Victoria) Ltd dealt with the towers. However, the demolition didn't succeed as planned and it ended up taking a week to complete the process.

The investigation found that one of the towers had collapsed, although the second had remained standing. A second attempt was made to bring down Montgomery House, a tower block with 15 storeys, although it failed to complete the demolition. Specialist equipment had to be transported to Merseyside from Glasgow to complete the procedure.


The machine is the tallest in Europe, and was used to pull down the remaining tower a bit at a time. A week after the original completion date, the demolition was finished, with both towers razed to the ground.

While the work was taking place, the residents affected either stayed with family and friends or stayed in a hotel, paid for by the company responsible. One Vision Housing, the owners of the towers, allowed the affected residents back home once the exclusion zone had been removed. The reason for the failure is being investigated by HSE.

All companies have to prevent injury to employees and members of the public, either by the use of PPE or creating an exclusion zone, as this company did.

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