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  3. Workmen carry out road repairs with 'no regard'

Road workers in West Yorkshire have been seen carrying out repairs to potholes late at night, without first taking steps to correctly signpost the area.

The workers were seen running backwards and forwards across busy lanes of traffic to quickly fill in the rut, according to a local press reporter. Working with shovel loads of tarmac carried across the carriageway, the journalist said the men were wearing hi-vis personal protective equipment (PPE) in order to be seen.

Despite the correct use of their high-vis PPE, the local council said:

“Although all staff are trained in the correct techniques, it would appear that in their eagerness to remove the potential hazard and keep disruption to a minimum they did not correctly sign and guard this site at the time.”

The spokesperson for Kirklees Council went on to say that the safety of its workers and road users is the paramount concern for the council, and that lessons would be learned. He went on to say that the team involved has been reminded to ensure future works are correctly and safely conducted.

The repairs, which took place at a busy junction after nine o'clock in the evening, was an “accident waiting to happen”, said press man Martin Shaw.

Shaw also went on to say that he drove over the area of road being repaired, claiming that it was unlikely to last for long.

The council responded to Shaw's claim by saying it was only a temporary fix to remove the immediate hazard to road users, and that permanent repairs would be made.

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